We made it through our first really cold snap! Tepretures were in the 50s and 30s over the weekend. It was 66 today, a little warmer, then more rain Wednesday and end of the week. We got 1.75 inches in our gauge Friday!
This week’s Farm Report: Even with the rain someone cut soybeans yesterday, so we are trying. The beans are dry (low moisture) but I don’t know about the ground! I hope we get back in – we will be through in three days or so if we can just run. Yay!
I had eight women over Friday night for soup, cookies and a movie. Cammy Evans, Delores Whaley, Bonnie Glass, Kim Creel, Beverly Russell, Michelle Nowak and LaVerne Baxter walked in the cold rain. It was a good night for chicken tortilla soup! We also popped popcorn and ate it during “Arsenic and Old Lace” with Cary Grant! Some of us had seen the play at The Ruffin a couple of weeks ago so I got the original movie and we all enjoyed it – it was a great night!
Trick or Trunk was postponed till this Saturday at the Coughlans’ home; it was too wet and cold last week.
Lyla’s softball tournament in Jackson was also postponed till this weekend – after Liz took the whole weekend off!
Sunday, Courtney and Caroline, Liz and Lyla and I all went to the Ag Center in Memphis for the big sale. It was a fun day!
On our prayer list at the Covington Church of Christ are Paulette Watkins, home; Mary Jean Stockton, Kelley Melton, Cindy Clark and Wendall Hall, all recovering from surgery; Donna Sonwineski, Houston Hall and so many friends and relatives of our members, like Jackson Hughey and all of our servicemen and women.
Sympathy is extended to Chris Max in the death of his cousin, Randy Max.
Happy birthday this week goes to Jeff Phillips on Oct. 30, to Rachel Dickey and Bill Murray on Halloween, to Deborah Cates, Andrew Cates, Phillip Scrip and Thomas Posey on November 3rd and to Addie Kidd on the 4th!
Happy birthday at Clopton United Methodist Church to Kerry Senecal on Nov. 1, to Willie Long and Carol Stimpson on the 2nd, to Rylee Carver, Sarah Clark and Lanie Stafford on the 3rd and to Rose Lyles on the 5th!
The men of that church will have their monthly community breakfast this Saturday, the 4th from 7 – 9 a.m. All proceeds will benefit the Three Star Fire Department!
Veterans’ Sunday will be Nov. 12. If you or a family member served in the Armed Forces, contact Marion Davis by the 10th to be listed in the bulletin.
“Thanks for Reading” goes to Morris Jones! Sa-lute!
This week’s Farmer’s Almanac Quote: “Daylight Savings Time ends at 2 a.m. Sunday.” Remember to “fall back” before you go to bed Saturday night and get that hour back we lost in March!
Maybe the trees will change now – we have had a couple of frosts.
Enjoy the changing of the seasons! Wednesday is the start of Turkey Day Month!
Until next week . . .