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(NewsUSA) – Interest in alternative, environmentally-friendly energy sources continues to grow, and one company, Eco Smart Energies, offers investors a unique opportunity to get in on the ground floor of green energy with a pre-sale Initial Coin Offering (ICO) at renbdo.io to raise funds for…
(NewsUSA) – Spring is here and that means it’s lawn cutting season. In the interest of curbing your carbon footprint and “going green,” you may want to consider an eco-friendly alternative to a healthy, beautiful lawn – an electric lawn mower. Options for self-propelled, high-powered electri…
(NewsUSA) – Summer travel is heating up and Americans are making plans to hit the open road to enjoy time off with family and friends. According to a recent survey from the American Automobile Association, approximately two-thirds of American families will travel this summer, and just over h…
(NewsUSA) – In today’s constant contact, cell-phone celebrated, digital world, most people can go days or even weeks without spending any time in natural sunlight. Instead, we eat breakfast inside, or on the go, only to race to an office, filled with artificial light and plastic plants, for …
(NewsUSA) – It’s time to start talking ticks. Spring signals a particularly active time for ticks, just when gardeners get antsy to get their hands dirty, working in their gardens. For anyone looking forward to spending time outdoors Be Warned: tick-borne disease is on the rise.
(StatePoint) Are you looking for ways to celebrate Earth Month? From enjoying nature to making simple changes to your routine that will have a positive impact on the environment, here are five cool ideas for marking the occasion.
(NewsUSA) – Sponsored by GAF – Like riddles?
(StatePoint) Earth Month, celebrated in April, is a great time to take a look at your daily habits and consider how you can give your lifestyle a green makeover.
(StatePoint) It’s that time of year to start setting New Year’s resolutions: work out more; get a new job; save money. While these are admirable goals, have you considered how your resolutions might make a bigger impact?
(StatePoint) Plastics are an increasingly widespread pollutant, according to environmental experts, harming ecosystems and wildlife as well as endangering human health. One of the largest worldwide industries driving this crisis — the fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector which offers su…
(StatePoint) With a growing number of homeowners looking to save money on power bills and help the environment, rooftops across America are taking on a new look, as more homes are dotted with solar panels. But it’s important to ask the right questions before installing them on your home.
(StatePoint) Did you know that the choices your local grocery store makes can have a global impact on the environment? From the types and brands of seafood sold to the way foods are packaged and carried out of the store, oceans worldwide are affected by the operations of grocers near you.
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