It’s a warm Sunday afternoon. In fact, the trees are still green around here on Oct. 8. James says it’s the salt water from the last two hurricane rains. Who knows?
We had an 80 percent chance of rain yesterday but got less than a quarter inch yesterday and today. Got rained out shelling peas on Mt. Carmel, but it only sprinkled here at home. I wish it would get cool – we have another week before 70s return.
This week’s Farm Report: We are shelling beans now and they are making good. Last week our biggest concern was the basis falling 80 cents a bushel because the barges can’t get down the river with the corn and beans. But farmers who can store their crops in bins are, and those of us who can’t are selling. With that happening the basis is just down 32 cents now! Cotton is finally being picked and most folks are through with corn and onto soybeans.
I change bedspreads with the season and did just that Monday, washing them and rugs. Winter spreads on and rugs down – big job, especially putting dust ruffles on by yourself, without taking the mattress off, but I’ve perfected it over the years! I’ll do it again Christmas in our room!
We are so proud for Courtney buying her Up Town Curls building from the Sloans! Good for her!
I walked up to the Square Thursday with Courtney, Caroline and her mom, Amanda Cothran, and niece, Bree Cothran, who was cheering with her group, for the Homecoming Parade.
Friday was Clint’s birthday and we had lasagna, salad and garlic bread and his usual Rainbow Chip cake! Happy birthday, Clint!
On our prayer list at the Covington Church of Christ are Steve Carter, Houston Hall, Wendall Hall, Cindy Clark, Paulette Watkins, Donna Sonwineski and so many friends and relatives, like Jackson Hughey and all of our servicemen and women.
Clothing giveaway is at our church fellowship hall this Saturday from 9 a.m.-noon.
Happy birthday this week goes to Russ Fendley on Oct. 8, to John Oliver Wall on the 12th and to Grant Edmonds, Zach Kidd and Aaron Speight on the 13th.
My sincere sympathy goes to both Ashley Whaley and Ashley Bringle in the death of their grandmothers, to the Bobby Curtis family in his death last week and to David Stewart in the death of his brother. These families are in our prayers.
Happy birthday at Clopton United Methodist Church to Pete Arender, Emma Blanchard, Matthew Nelson and Pee Wee Simmons on Oct. 8, to Shelby Blanchard on the 10th, to Jamie Stafford on the 11th and to Bobby Johnson on the 12th!
“Thanks for Reading” this week goes to Linda Latimer and Ruth Elam! Sa-lute!
This week’s Farmer’s Almanac Quote: (For Friday) “This is the second Friday the 13th this year – the other was in January”.
Enjoy Fall Break, y’all!
Until next week . . .