The stretch of commercial real estate on the west side of Highway 51 between McLaughlln Drive and Munford Avenue has been a hot topic of conversation in South Tipton County for more than 20 years now.
For many years there were rumors that a Target was coming to Munford. That never happened.
Development has been slow, with McDonald’s locating at the corner of McLaughlin and Highway 51 two decades ago. BankTennessee opened up at Highway 51 and Munford five years ago. Margaritas relocated from Atoka, next door to BankTennessee, two years ago.
Now a fourth business is set to open its doors, hopefully by the end of the year, just north of Margaritas.
At Monday night’s Munford Board of Mayor and Aldermen meeting, Mayor Dwayne Cole announced that Wendy’s is coming to town. He said the sale should be finalized next month with “construction to begin shortly thereafter.”
Wendy’s will be the second national chain restaurant to open in Munford.
“We hope to welcome Wendy’s into our business community by the end of the year,” he said.
There are plans to improve the crossover in the median near the future Wendy’s to improve access to Wendy’s and other nearby businesses.
In other matters:
• Cole said he and other representatives from Munford met July 21 with Waste Pro USA, which has been providing garbage collection in Munford for two years, to address collection issues.
“There have been too many mechanical breakdowns,” Cole said. “That’s the main thing. The mechanical breakdowns cause the routes to be delayed.”
The contract with Waste Pro runs through December of 2023. Cole said Munford residents pay about half as much now for garbage collection as they did before Waste Pro entered the picture.
Cole said Waste Pro’s service was “unacceptable.”
“The discussion was frank and direct. We established clear lines of communication, discussed expectations and made it clear that we expect immediate improvement.”
• A Munford citizen complained to the board about the condition of Munford Avenue. Cole said Tennessee Department of Transportation officials told him there were no immediate plans to repave the street, but encouraged her and other citizens to contact TDOT and voice their concerns.
• Cole said Fire Chief Alan Barkelew was seriously injured July 5 after a fall at his home and that Jeremy Reeves has been appointed as acting chief until Barkelew returns. Barkelew is hospitalized in Memphis but is improving.
“I have full confidence in his ability to lead this department,” Cole said of Reeves.
• The mayor said there will be a new parent pickup entrance for Munford Elementary School from Park Street to alleviate traffic problems when school begins Aug. 3.
• Charlotte Fisher, director of operations at Tipton County Schools, was honored with a certificate of appreciation for her work on the Munford Library Board.
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