It’s a cloudy warm Sunday afternoon, the day before the big event – Eclipse 2017! Whatever will we talk about when it’s over with? My grandmother, Evelyn Harrington, who is 106, saw the total eclipse in 1918 – I think that’s very cool!
The best thing that has happened: I went to Walmart and asked at checkout if they had any glasses and they didn’t, but, an employee standing close asked how many I needed; I told her eight. She disappeared for a second and came back with eight pair!
I was very happy, then remembered Lyla and Caroline probably don’t need to use them and I only needed six. The woman behind me said she needed two and I shared them. Then I asked the wonderful employee how she got them and she had bought them for her family! I so appreciate her sacrifice and truly hope she found some more for herself and her family!
So far for the month of Aug., we’ve had 2.48 inches of rain.
This week’s Farm Report: Corn is drying up so fast! Cotton is loaded and some beans are loaded and falling over. Time to ready the combine!
We made a trip to Red Bay, Ala. Thursday to see former Covington resident and school teacher Annette Petree and sons, Tom and Jon and their families. As soon as we hit Red Bay, earlier than Annette was expecting us, we found Swamp John’s, an award-winning restaurant in an old filling station where we had fish, hush puppies, slaw and fries before driving to the house.
Tasha, Jon and Laura’s daughter, came by to see what we needed from the grocery store. We gave her a list of items to go with the Boston Butt I took from Brian’s Mid-South BBQ food truck. That night, they and friend Autumn, and grandson Shane, Devon and Landon joined us after work and we all enjoyed that meal.
I had taken Louisiana cornbread and peanut butter cakes and chicken tortilla soup. We had the soup for lunch Friday and Annette cooked chicken and dumplings, fried okra and purple hull peas that night, with a little help from Jon. We never did see grandson Nathan, but saw Mark a few times.
Jon drives a school bus and farms, besides tending to five houses of hogs. He got up every morning (he stays at night to help his mother if she needs it – she’s on oxygen), left and came back before we got up and going. He cooked some of his sausage, gravy, eggs and biscuits Saturday morning and we had a big meal before leaving for home. It was a great trip – Annette is my “second mother.” She and my mama were best friends.
On our prayer list at the Covington Church of Christ are Carol Nance, Paula McLean, Helen Goforth and so many friends and relatives of our members, all of those taking treatments, and all of our servicemen and women.
The birthday party at Covington Care will be at 2:30 p.m. on the 26th.
Happy birthday this week goes to Aubrey Billings on Aug. 23 and to Aiden Sallee on the 25th.
Happy anniversary to Tracy and Tricia Speight on Aug. 22 and to Alan and Debbie Otts and to Brian and Shelley Dickey on the 23rd!
Happy birthday at Clopton United Methodist Church to Jordan Fields on Aug. 21 and to Guy Warren the 23rd!
This week’s Farmer’s Almanac Quote: “An ear of corn averages 800 kernels in 16 rows.”
“Thanks for Reading” this week goes to Janice Smith! Sa-lute – gotcha!
Watkins family reunion will be at Covington Church of Christ, descendants of Edd and Nettie Belle Crump Watkins on Aug. 27.
Until next week . . .