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Maybe it was because the wind was blowing a certain direction, but anyone walking up to the Brighton High School football field yesterday morning could actually smell the turf being installed from about 50 yards away.
That’s good news for all the people waiting for artificial turf projects at Brighton, Covington and Munford high schools to be completed.
The projects are ongoing at all three schools, but Brighton is clearly furthest along. As of Wednesday morning turf had been installed from end zone to end zone, but the sidelines had not been done yet.
To the north and the south at Munford and Covington, no turf had been installed yet. At Covington bulldozers were leveling dirt. At Munford, all the dirt work appeared to be complete.
The plan is to have the fields done by graduation, which is two months away.
Director of Schools Dr. John Combs announced the $5 million project last spring.
Many high schools in Memphis, Jackson and rural West Tennessee have installed turf in recent years.
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