Voting is now open in The Leader’s annual Readers’ Choice Awards!
It’s the first time The Leader has held the contest since 2020.
“It’s something we’ve always loved doing and have missed,” said publisher Scott Whaley. “We’re really eager to bring it back so the people of Tipton County can be recognized for the wonderful work they do.”
As we did in 2019, we’ll have a round for nominations and another round to vote on finalists.
In years past, we have collected ballots through which our readers have chosen the best of Tipton County in nearly 100 categories.
This year, we’ll be accepting nominations and the top three vote-getters will move on to the finalists’ round.
Next month, once nominations have been tallied, a list of three finalists in each category will be announced and readers will have two more weeks in which to vote to decide a winner.
Those wishing to participate can use the paper ballot – page B4 in this week’s issue. There will be no online voting this year. Papers can be purchased at our office or at one of the rack and dealer locations around the county.
“We want this to be a true readers’ choice contest with a lot of engagement between our local businesses and their patrons. We hope you’ll participate and join us in honoring the best of Tipton County,” Whaley said.
Nominations will be accepted until 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 27.
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