Readers of The Leader’s E-Edition will notice a paywall is once in again in effect.
The paywall over that section of the website is nothing new, however. Four years ago, The Leader reorganized its newsroom structure to focus equally on its digital and print products but maintained a protected section over the digital replica of the print edition.
The paper has been working to provide new options for the paywall since it switched content management systems in October 2019.
To access the weekly E-Editions and digital versions of our special publications, like our Discover Tipton County magazine, print subscribers can call or email our office to have an a companion account created.
Additionally, readers can choose a one-year digital subscription, month-to-month or even one-day access to digital content.
The Leader’s digital companion pieces are also accessible through mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.
For more information or to set up your account, call 901-476-7116 or email news@covingtonleader.com.
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