The manhunt for Curtis Ray Watson, the fugitive accused of sexually assaulting and killing a correctional administrator before escaping from the prison in Henning Wednesday, is in its third day but there are 30 other inmates who’ve been missing a lot longer.

Here are the men and women who, according to the Tennessee Department of Corrections, have escaped from the state’s prisons and remain at large.

David R. Brownell

David R. Brownell, 75, escaped from Davidson County on Feb. 28, 1986. He was serving time for vehicular homicide and embezzlement. At the time, he had brown hair, hazel eyes, was 5’7″ and 157 pounds.


Source: Tennessee Dept. of Corrections



Paul Carr

Paul Carr, who would be 91, escaped from prison on Sept. 24, 1990. He was serving time for burglary 2nd degree, possession of burglary tools and receiving stolen property over $100.




Carter Clifton

Carter Clifton, who would now be 76, escaped from prison on July 16, 1965. He was serving time for armed robbery.





Antonio R. Castro

Antonio R. Castro, now 59, failed to return to the Nashville Community Service Center after a three-day furlough and has been missing since Feb. 22, 1992. He was serving four years for theft of property – $10,000-$60,000.




Larry P. Chism

Larry P. Chism escaped from prison on Sept. 13, 1978 while serving time for armed robbery, carnal knowledge, selling heroin and another narcotic. Today he would be 70 years old.




Michael Cisewski

Michael Cisewski, who would today be 58, escaped from prison on July 31, 1982. He was in prison for armed robbery.





Steve Collins

Steve Collins, who would now be 65, escaped from prison on Sept. 18, 1973. He was serving time for attempted burglary.





Edward Howard Gray

Edward Howard Gray escaped from prison on Aug. 28, 1980. He was sentenced to prison for three counts of third degree burglary and one count of second degree burglary. Today he would be 92.




Warren David Harris

Serving time for grand larceny, Warren David Harris escaped from prison on April 3, 1975. He would now be 76 years old.





Samuel Harvey

Samuel Harvey, serving time for grand larceny, escaped from a Tennessee prison on Dec. 6, 1950. His birthdate is unknown.




Gerald Lyle Hemp

In February 1984, what is considered a clerical error reclassified Gerald Lyle Hemp a minimum security inmate who could request a transfer to a prison near family. He was transferred to Lantana, Fla.

On July 10, 1984, he was given a pass to leave the prison grounds for a dental visit. After having his teeth cleaned, he gave the dentist a large amount of money and told him he didn’t need a ride back to prison. He hasn’t been seen since.

Known for owning real estate in East Tennessee and Florida and being a philanthropist, Hemp was sentenced to four consecutive 10-year terms for trafficking cocaine but escaped after just a year.

Three years prior to his escape, he narrowing missed being arrested by federal authorities investigating him. They seized his plane with 600 pounds of nearly pure cocaine, which was worth an estimated $2 million and was the largest shipment found on a plane at the time.

Hemp was named a person of interest in the drowning death of one of his associates in June 1982 and was arrested three months later using the name George W. Baker. According to the Broward Palm Beach New Times, while being extradited back to Tennessee he allegedly told authorities if he’d known there were just two of them aboard the plane he would have shot them and thrown them out over a lake somewhere.

He is known for using many different identities and today would be in his 80s.

Phillip Reed Huddleston

Phillip Reed Huddleston, who would have turned 62 this week, was serving time for third degree burglary when he escaped on Feb. 16, 1983.




Paul Jefferson

Paul Jefferson, now 62, escaped from prison on June 29, 1979. He was serving time for first degree burglary.





Willie T. Listen

Willie T. Listen was sentenced to prison after being convicted of petit larceny. He escaped on Aug. 29, 1957. If still alive, he will turn 90 in December.




Linda A. Long

Escaped from prison on Aug. 24, 1964, Linda A. Long was serving time for forging checks. Today she would be 77.





Chester Manis

Chester Manis escaped from Ft. Pillow Prison and Farm on May 30, 1946. If still alive, he would now be 93 years old. He was serving eight years for simple robbery.




Brett Alan McCarthy

Brett Alan McCarthy, missing since Jan. 5, 1983, was serving time for receiving stolen property less than $100 when he escaped. Today he would be 57.





Robert Albert Meadows

Robert Albert Meadows was serving time for armed robbery when he escaped on July 22, 1972. Today he would be 73.





James Steven Miller

James Steven Miller escaped from prison on Nov. 3, 1976 while serving a sentence for armed robbery and assault with the intent to murder. He and two accomplices reportedly broke into a Madison County business and robbed the owners with a sawed-off shotgun. If still alive, he will turn 80 in December.



Peter Osagiede

Peter Osagiede has been at large since his Dec. 12, 1983 escape from prison. He and his brother, Paul, were convicted of raping a nursing student in Nashville and were serving 10-year terms. Today he would be 64 years old.




Robert Poteat

Robert Poteat, who today would be 71, escaped from prison on April 6, 1974. He was serving time for petit larceny and second degree burglary.




John David Rowlette

John David Rowlette, who would currently be 58, escaped from prison on June 16, 1981. He was serving time for first degree burglary.





Robert Houston Sanders

Robert Houston Sanders remains one of the state’s most wanted people almost three decades after his escape. He was serving an 81-year sentence for aggravated kidnapping, armed robbery, second degree burglary, third degree burglary, attempted burglary and petit larceny when he escaped from the Tennessee State Prison on April 2, 1990. He was one of the original offenders added to the TBI’s Most Wanted list in 1993 and has remained there ever since. Sanders, who also goes by Willie Sanders and Willie Hunter, would today be 55.

Wesley Sawchuck

Wesley Sawchuck, who would be 91 years old now, was sentenced to prison for attempted felony burglary. He escaped on May 30, 1980.





Richard Simmons

Convicted murderer Richard Simmons escaped from prison on Nov. 18, 1981. He would be 74 years old now.






Barbara Sue Sloan

Barbara Sue Sloan escaped from prison on Sept. 2, 1979 while serving a sentence for passing forged checks. Today she would be 72.




Burton Smith

Burton Smith escaped from prison on Sept. 21, 1961 while incarcerated for grand larceny and petit larceny. Today he would be 80.





Vanessa Denise Smith

Sentenced to a year at the Memphis Community Service Center in June 1980 for arson, Vanessa Denise Smith escaped four months later in October. Today she would be 64 years old.

Echo Day
Author: Echo Day

Echo Day is an award-winning journalist, photographer and designer. She is currently The Leader's managing editor.