Mason Mayor Emmit “Dwayne” Gooden was arrested early Monday morning and charged with driving on a revoked license.
While traveling southbound on Hwy. 51 at 2 a.m., a Munford police officer pulled him over because his driver side brake light was out.
He was notified Gooden had two license revocations.
Gooden was arrested and charged with a DUI in Shelby County in March 2021.
According to the affidavit, while searching the vehicle Munford police found an unlabeled pill bottle containing a white powder substance. It was submitted to the lab for testing and more charges may be following.
A St. Jude employee, Gooden has been Mason’s mayor since 2018 and served as an alderman for a term prior to that.
He is out of jail on a $1,000 bond and is due back in court on Aug. 2.
Editor’s note: In our print edition, Justin Hanson’s name was printed under Gooden’s mugshot. We apologize for and regret this error.
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