Just as the state recently did, Covington’s board of mayor and aldermen has to do some redistricting after the 2020 Census results were reported.
Population data showed there were approximately 100 more residents in District 2, so the city had to change the district lines to make them equal once again.
The subcommittee did so by moving 110 residents in the northernmost part of the city, into District 1, said Municipal Technical Advisor Ronnie Neill.
“The deviation is now about 4.88 percent,” he said. “You have to be within 10 percent.”
Two complete census tracts were moved in order to stay compliant with reapportionment laws.
“It was the simplest way to make the move without a lot of internal movement on some of the other districts, breaking ‘em up and splitting ‘em out,” said District 3 alderman Danny Wallace, who is on the subcommittee. “And it came up with the correct numbers we were looking for.”
The consensus of the subcommittee is to move forward with the proposal. During the Finance and Administration Committee meeting Tuesday alderman John Edwards, who is one of two alderman representing District 1, opposed the proposed change.
“I’m still concerned with the board mirroring the demographics of the city,” he said. “This may be a violation of section 2 of the voting rights act and I would like to make sure our redistricting is legal.”
The city intends to seek legal advice from its city attorney before voting on the recommendation. Neill said the city would be within population deviation, but its demographics may also need to be considered.
The board meets next Tuesday at 5:30 p.m.
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