Greetings –
What a great time we had on Saturday, Aug. 18 at God’s Grace Gospel Church. Our Men’s and Women’s Conference was spirit-filled. Keynote speaker Pastor Fred Bailey of Jones Grove M.B. Church in Atoka kicked us off from this year’s theme coming from Ephesians 6:11-18, The Whole Armor of God. Six ministers and pastors completed the panel speakers, each of them speaking from Ephesians 6:14:
• Pastor Kevin King Jr. of New Hope M.B. in Burlison – loins girt with truth
• Pastor Shelia Bryant of Paradise M.B. Church in Covington – the breastplate of righteousness
• Minister Romel Andrews of Elam Baptist in Ripley – feet shod with the gospel of peace
• Minister Sandra Estes-Timmons of Church of the Nazarene in Millington – the shield of faith
• Pastor Collin Heaston of Globel M.B. Church in Memphis – helmet of salvation
• Pastor O. Pearl Andrews of GGG Church – sword of the spirit
Our first break was 20 minutes for a light brunch. New Hope’s praise team, featuring Mrs. Eric White, performed to “You Told the Storm.”
GGG Church choir featured soloists Sis. Gloria Farrow (“Hold onto God’s Unchanging Hand”) and Sis. Whitney Jones (“You Created Me to Worship”).
After a Q&A briefing from the panelists, a light luncheon was served. It was a wonderful day that started at 10 a.m. and was closed out at 2:30 p.m. with prayer from Associate Minister Malone of Jones Grove.
A fish fry was held in the lovely home of LaRue Albritton of Jamestown on Saturday evening for our St. Louis friends, along with another family friend, Bro. Kidd from Columbus, Miss. Sis. Mildred Sherrill assisted in all of the preparations and Bro. Chris from St. Louis prepared the delicious spaghetti and meat sauce along with our wonderful desserts.
On Sunday morning, several of our friends traveled from East St. Louis, Ill. Our morning worship sermon came from Minister Martha Chism and their gospel group. “The Three M’s” – minister, musicians and missionaries – sang two lovely selections. Sis. Ann sang “You Thought I was Worth Saving,” and Sis. Clark sang “He’s an On-Time God” beautifully. Bro. Chris Reliford served at the pianist and director. Min. Chism came from Psalm 139:23-24 with “A Spiritual Heart Attack.”
Afterwards, we worshipped with Pastor Kevin King Jr. and New Hope M.B. in Burlison for another wonderful time on The Lord.
After Sunday School, Aziah Sherfield was baptized. He’s the son of Mr. and Mrs. Antron (Erica) Sherfied of Covington, the grandson of Celia Lake and Julia Sherfield, both of Covington.
On our sick and prayer list are Ruth Alston, Connie Brown, Christine Armstrong Brown, Mary Burton, Jessie Lawson, Rudolph Boykins, Cortez Lee, Doris DeBerry, Samuel Gray Jr., Mary Ballard, Niki Sherrill, Julie Cook Alston, Lela Cook Mason, Theron Alston, Fletcher and Nadine Dickerson Sr., Gigi Baker and Rhonda Gail Heaston-McLin and family.
Happy birthday to Mildred Reed Sherrill and Kelly Reed on Aug. 30.
Correction from last week’s column: LaMarion Sherrill and Michael Smith Jr., who were baptized last Sunday at GGGC in Jamestown, by Pastor O. Pearl Andrews, are the sons of Christy Sherrill and Michael Smith Sr. of Covington. Their grandparents are Min. Willie Farrow and Sis. Gloria Farrow of Covington.
All for now. Remember I heard this one: “It’s not the ‘dog in the fight,’ it’s the ‘fight in the dog’!”
Until next week.