It was swell, it was great, our Phenomenal Women’s Conference was “off the plate.” Lady/Pastor Shelia Bryant of Paradise M.B. Church, Covington and host church, God’s Grace Gospel Church and Lady/Pastor O Pearl Andrews truly brought it all of the way “down.” Our guest speakers were Lady JaCinta Jones of GGGC kicked it off with “Confidence of a Phenomenal Woman,” Prov. 31:11-12 and 31:20, Lady Evelyn Andrews “Expect the Unexpected,” Dev. 11:26-28, Ps. 62:5, Ps 130:5 of Praise Temple Church, Ripley Tenn. And husband Pastor Gary Andrews did a mime on “Freedom Indeed,” Lady Teressa Howard of Greater Shiloh, Brighton, wrapped up with, “Open to God’s Next Idea,” John 4:4-0, Ps. 48, Phil 1:20, Eps 3:20 and Roms 8:31-39.
All in all, it was a wonderful spirit-filled event, which will occur again this October in Brownsville. The public is welcome.
After church I had dinner in the lovely home of Deacon and Deaconess John and JaCinta Jones of Millington. They’re my niece and her family.
Her mother Annette Lake and her sister, Erica Sherfield and her grandson, Azaiah Sherfield of Covington, were there, along with my sister, Pam Cobbs Springfield and her daughter Stacey and Stacey’s husband, Marcus Talbert of Millington. Guest speakers at GGGC, Sunday morning was associate minister Andrew Fisher of St. Mark MB Wilkinsville from St. Luke 6:47-48 “Build Down Before You Build Up!”
He and his wife, Lady Charlotte Sneed Fisher, are the parents of five young people; they live on Wilkinsville Rd. in Millington.
Sunday evening my good friend and play sister, Irene Harvey of Jamestown, dropped in to pay me a lovely visit. We enjoyed catching up and laughing about all of our childhood antics of yesteryear, we were a mess plus! She still works for the railroad in Memphis. We do not often get a chance to visit anymore.
I recently attended a retired teacher meeting at Dyersburg State in Covington, I covered their meeting. It was good to see a few of my former teachers Mr. and Mrs. Harris (Gwendolyn), Mr. and Mrs. K. King (Josephine), Ms, hattie Yarbrough, Mr. Daisey Cleves, a state of Tennessee officer “TRTA” from Memphis. Deborah Kent is program Chaplin, Ms. Harris is treasurer, Mrs. Martha Fayne of Memphis is current TRTA president serving untilJune 2018 when Mr. William Murray takes over.
Twenty-five members were present on Tuesday, including Ted Williams, Thelma Moore, Georgia Hall, Winona Rice, Berdia Johnson, Vanessa Jenkins, Mary Williams, Maru Ann Smith, Cleo McCarney, Shelvie Rose, Mrs. Susan Blankenship Howard of Patriot Bank in Covington prepared a lovely repast with some lovely ladies from the bank and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Smith.
Anyone who is retired, drawing down from “TRTA” can become a member. Their next meeting will be held Oct. 3 at 10 a.m. at the lovely home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Smith from the Charleston area. “Food, fun and games,” foods will be sponsored by the “RTA” and the Smith family. This picnic will serve also as the October meeting in the form of a fun fulled RTA get-together.
On our prayer list are Ruth Alson, Robin Sherrill, “T” Sherrill, Pink Sherrill Jr., Christine Armstrong, Connie Brown, Mary Burton, nadine Brown, Dr. Lelon Davidson, the family of Tim Fayne, Rudolph Boykins, Lela Mason, Clyde Ingram, Fletcher Dickson Sr., Jessie Lawson, Flossie Woods, the Blackwell and Williams families, Beulah Wakefield, Therman Boddie and Lena Sherrill and Rhonda McLin and family.
Happy birthday to Lynette Burton Conners on Aug. 24, Kelly Reed and Pink Sherrill Jr. on Aug. 30, Mildred Sherill on Aug. 31, Judy Sherfield on Sept 3, Erica Sherfield, Maxine Carpenter and Kimal Hodge on Sept. 10, Melvin Bell on Sept 11, Gerald Baker on Sept. 15 and Tyler Brown on Sept 20.
That is all for now. Remember, “A penny saved most likely is a penny badly needed.”
Until next time.