It’s a beautiful hot Sunday afternoon. We had our first August fog Friday morning – that’s supposed to be one snow this winter. I’m keeping up with the fogs and checking to see if that’s true!
This week’s farm report: Farmers are waiting for harvest. Cotton is still in bloom for the most part. Soybeans in some places are just starting to change colors and corn is really maturing quickly. We got around .22 inches of rain Wednesday but could surely use some more soon! Prayers for a safe and good harvest for all our farmers!
I went to Dr. Hutchison with a heel spur Tuesday and got a shot with some steroid in it. I had a lot of inflammation. I stayed up almost all night! But my foot doesn’t hurt anymore, so it was worth it!
Jim Edmonds brought us two bags of apples, so I made one pie and made stewed apples of the others. I used Splenda and cinnamon in them and they are excellent! He got some purple hull peas, onion, cornbread and a slice of apple pie in return!
I picked up both Caroline and Chase, who is now six weeks old, Thursday and kept them a few hours. Then Saturday I had them both all day. I survived! James took me to Braden for catfish as a reward!
On our prayer list at the Covington Church of Christ are Al Chaney, home after several months, yay! Also on the list are Paxton Messer, John Dickey, Rosie Barnes, Joyce Scott, Steve Carter, Houston Hall and so many friends and relatives of our members, like Jackson Hughey, and all of our servicemen and women.
Sincere sympathy goes to Bruce Hazlerig and the whole family in the death of his brother, Luke Hazlerig, Marty’s dad. And to Linda Montgomery Clements and family in the death of her mother, Rose MonetteWhitson. Both these families are in our prayers.
The birthday party at Magnolia Creek will be on the 18th at 2 p.m. Devotional at Covington Care will be on the 19th at 4 p.m.
Happy birthday this week goes to Leann Maness on Aug. 12, to David Higgins and Heather Keith on the 13th, to Chesley Hoffman on the 18th, to Donnie Benjamin on the 17th and to David Nance on the 19th!
Happy anniversary to Alex and Allison Cates on Aug. 15!
Happy birthday at Clopton United Methodist Church to Collin Boswell and Buddy Boyd on Aug. 14, to Robert Nelson Sr. on the 15th, to Barry Laxton on the 16th, to Amy Carpenter on the 17th and to Robert Nelson and Missye Turner on the 18th!
This week’s farmer’s almanac Quote: “Keep track of the paint you’ve used in a room by writing the brand name and color on the back of the light switch plate.” That’s pretty smart!
Man, my washing machine exploded Saturday! Pieces of what looked like blacktop all in the clothes and in the bottom of it. No idea where they came from, but new one coming soon, believe me!
Until next week . . .