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The Class of 2020 is a graduating class unlike any other before it.
Tonight, Brighton’s graduates will gather together – socially distanced, and in two separate groups – for the final time (and for the first time in two months).
The Leader will commemorate this class with its annual graduation magazine, but we wanted to present to you the top 10 graduates:
1. Cannon Ford Clark, 4.0 ACT 34; Son of Gwen and Bubba Chambers
2. Jaivion Alise Lightfoot, 4.0 ACT 32, Core Numerical Avg. 99.34; daughter of Jeffrey D. and Antionette Lightfoot
3. Bailey Elizabeth Kersey, 4.0, ACT 32, Core Numerical Avg. 97.32; daughter of Margaret and Eric Kersey
4. Molly Adele Rhinehardt, 4.0, ACT 30; daughter of Cindy and Donnie Rhinehardt
5. Remi Kay Lehmen, 3.9811, ACT 32; daughter of Stacy and Jim Lehmen
6. Charis Dawn Bentley, 3.9811, ACT 28; daughter of Dennis and Heather Bentley and Tabitha Curtis
7. Mackenzie Lee Love, 3.9636, ACT 32; daughter of Susan Smith
8. Chloe Eve Twisdale, 3.9630, ACT 30; daughter of Nicole Labermeier and H.W. Twisdale
9. Grace Elizabeth Glidewell, 3.9623, ACT 32; daughter of Jennifer and Paul Glidewell
10. Ethan Douglas Brown, 3.9623, ACT 31; son of Frank Brown and Charity Brown
Congratulations, Class of 2020.
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