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The 2021 Tennessee state champions in Poultry Judging reside at Covington High.
Covington competed on April 19 against schools from all three regions of the state. The team placed first out of 17 high school teams and will compete this fall at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis.
Individually, each team member placed in the top ten in the state, with Leanna Gray leading the way as the overall high individual in the state.
The team has competed in many different poultry contests in the past few months, having successes in 4-H (regional winner in March), state FFA Invitational in November (state winner), and also competed in the state 4-H contest (fifth high) and a contest put on by the University of Florida (first place overall).
“The team has worked hard and is looking forward to the opportunity to compete for the national championship this fall in Indiana,” FFA sponsor Jerry Johnson saijd.
The Covington High FFA Agriculture Mechanics teams recently competed in the Bolivar Skills Showdown, which was the first live competition for FFA members in more than a year in West Tennessee.
Team members were asked to compete in a variety of activities, including the following: MIG welding, rafter construction, switch and receptacle wiring project, differential leveling and a team woodworking activity where they had to construct some TWRA wood duck boxes. The team finished fourth out of 14 teams.
Individually, Jackson McBride finished second in MIG welding, Mike and Mitch Hopkins finished second in differential leveling and Brandon Duffin finished second in rafter construction.
“The chapter is extremely proud of this group for their hard work and dedication in the agriculture mechanics field,” Johnson said.
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