Each day the number of cases of the COVID-19 coronavirus increases in Tennessee and while, to date, there are no known cases in Tipton, the county’s healthcare facilities are working on preparing.
We recently spoke with Parker Harris, the administrator of Baptist Memorial Hospital-Tipton, to find out what happens when and if a patient tests positive.
Q: Is there a confirmed case in the county?
A: No, not at this time. There have been three confirmed cases in Shelby County, and any new cases will be announced by the local or state health department. Our hospital is safe, and we’re ready to care for all patients that enter our facility.
Q: What will happen if the hospital has a patient that tests positive?
A: The hospital will follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines for isolating and treating patients. We isolate patients in negative pressure rooms. These rooms are designed to contain airborne diseases and protect others in the hospital.
If the patient doesn’t meet admission criteria, we will send the patient home with instructions to self-quarantine for 14 days.
Editor’s note: The Tipton County Jail also has three negative pressure rooms for isolation should they be needed by inmates.
Q: What does the community do to get more information?
A: Visit baptistonline.org/coronavirus or call Baptist’s Coronavirus Resource Center at 866-941-4785.
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