The City of Munford wants the public to avoid its offices unless necessary.
“As we continue to learn more about the coronavirus (COVID-19) and receive edicts from our president and state leaders, more precautions are being taken to protect our citizens, customers and staff,” city recorder/treasurer Sherry Yelvington said via email. “In an abundance of caution, we ask you do not visit any city building unless it is urgent or unavoidable. We can handle most everything through our drive-thru, by phone and email.”
First responders and public works staff members are essential to the health and welfare of citizens and are, therefore, still working as scheduled. However, non-essential personnel, such as reserve first responders, are not currently being utilized.
“We are following current Centers for Disease Control prevention guidelines and recommendations for businesses by encouraging staff and customers to stay home if unwell, emphasizing hand hygiene and routinely cleaning all surfaces, including door handles and night box drawer.”
The city has also requested the public not attend its upcoming meeting.
“At this time, we have not cancelled the board of mayor and alderman meeting scheduled for Monday, March 23 but we will meet the president’s request of 10 or less attendees,” said Yelvington. “Please do not come unless you have urgent business with the board.”
The meeting’s agenda does not include any resolutions, ordinances or motions.
Additionally, sports, activities, clubs, and city events have all been cancelled or postponed.
The library is closed and will remain so until further notice.
City Court scheduled for March 25, 2020 has been postponed to April 22, 2020.
The City of Munford encourages its residents to check on family, friends and neighbors and see if they need any help.
“We are all in this together,” said Yelvington. “Don’t forget our local businesses who are struggling at this time. As you all know by now, this situation evolves daily and requires flexibility and patience. We will keep you informed.”
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