As we begin a new decade we wanted to have a look back at the things that made news – good, bad and inspiring – from 2010-19.
It was a decade with unspeakable tragedy, politicians behaving badly, extreme weather and small towns rallying around their own in a way others cannot.
This is part five of our series and it’s all about the way the community came together in the wake of tragedy. The other parts in this series cover the most shocking crimes, local politics, weird weather events and the high points from the decade.
Like other small communities, in times of tragedy, Tipton Countians come together and support one another. That was evident this decade, especially with the rise in consumption of social media causing news, and support, to spread.
Supporting a wounded warrior
In December 2011, Munford marine Cpl. Christian Brown was wounded after stepping on an improvised explosive device while serving in Afghanistan. It resulted in numerous injuries and the amputation of his right leg below the hip and left leg above the knee.
He returned to Munford in October 2012, a crowd waiting to greet him downtown in the overnight hours.
In May 2013 he was awarded the Silver Star.
The Lt. Dan Band Foundation held a fundraising concert for him and, in 2015-16, built him custom smart home for his needs.
Supporting sick children
It started in 2011.
Bows began popping up everywhere in support of Lucy Krull after the five-year-old was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer.
Unfortunately, Lucy wasn’t the only one.
There was Lillie Mae Glass, Trenton Stafford, and Jackson Hughey, who returned to St. Jude for treatment this week, to name a few.
And while supporting children with cancer isn’t a new concept, the ways through which they were supported – like the bows and posts on social media sites like Facebook – were.
Krull’s parents, Erik and Kate, started the Go Lucy Go Foundation as a result of Lucy’s illness. The foundation supports LeBonheur Children’s Hospital.

Supporting a baseball team
No recap of the decade could exclude Covington’s 2019 baseball season.
The biggest sports story of the decade was Covington’s phenomenal win in 2019 (see B1 for more) – especially considering the circumstances surrounding the season.
When future generations see the 2019 state championship, it’s our hope they understand the blood, sweat and tears that went into it and the obstacles the team overcame to get there.
Hollywood couldn’t have written a better story, if we’re being honest.
First there was Kyle Ginn’s torn ACL, resulting in his being sidelined during his senior football season and benched during baseball season.
Then, there was first-year head coach Brad Warmath’s health issues. He spent weeks in the ICU after a surgery.
And while there, his wife, Paige Warmath, an English teacher at CHS, fainted. She was diagnosed with glioblastoma.
Their oldest son, Ty, was a senior pitcher on the baseball team. He and his teammates, several of whom had been coached by Brad since the first grade, tried to keep things business as usual on the field. All around, them, though were the prayers of the community.
When the team made it to the post-season, Brad was able to resume coaching and Paige had begun treatments.
Ginn was put in, hit a grand slam and hobbled, tears in his eyes, around the bases.
There was not a dry eye in sight. Video of the play made SportsCenter and Brad Warmath and Kyle Ginn were honored by ESPN by having their names put on the downtown Covington water tower.
It brought the community together in ways that were unimaginable.
The last decade was incredible and included many things – good, bad and bizarre – making headlines. Our hope for 2020 and beyond is more good than bad and your continued readership as we usher in a new era.
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