The Leader will host a candidate forum on Thursday, July 7 for candidates who will appear on the August 2022 ballot.
The state primary and county general election will elect county commissioners, circuit court clerk, constables, and school board members in even districts and will be a primary for governor, U.S. House Districts 8 and 9, and Tennessee House District 81.
Other candidates are running unopposed. Here’s a sample ballot.
Candidates who wish to participate are asked to register by July 5. Please do so here. If you are unable to make it, please let us know. We would still like you to be included in our voters guide.
The event will take place from 7-9 p.m. in the auditorium at DSCC’s Jimmy Naifeh Center in Covington. It is open to candidates and voters of both parties.
The Leader is also soliciting information from voters in its 2022 Citizens Agenda survey. If you are a voter, please complete the survey so we may use these questions and concerns to help strengthen our coverage of this election.
For more information, email Echo Day at news@covingtonleader.com.
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