Are you registered to vote? Today is the last day to register before the Aug. 6 election.
If you still need to do so, the Tennessee Secretary of State allows you to go to govotetn.org for online registration.
“The first step to making your voice heard at the polls is registering to vote,” said Secretary of State Tre Hargett. “With our online voter registration system, it’s never been easier or safer for Tennesseans to register to vote or update their registration.”
Assessor of property, school board and constable will be on the ballot in August, as will primaries for United States Senate and House of Representatives and State Senate and House of Representatives.
Early voting will run July 17 to Aug. 1.
Local races in November include Atoka aldermen, Brighton mayor and aldermen, Burlison city council, Covington aldermen, Gilt Edge mayor and aldermen, Mason aldermen and Munford mayor and aldermen.
Voting during a pandemic will look different, administrator of elections Cindy Pinner told The Leader last month.
Registering to vote, updating your address or checking your registration status is fast, easy and secure with the Secretary of State’s online voter registration system, GoVoteTN.com. Any U.S. citizen with a driver’s license or a photo ID issued by the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security can register online from a computer or mobile device without ever leaving their home at GoVoteTN.com.
Voters can also download a paper voter registration application at GoVoteTN.com. Completed paper voter registration applications must be submitted or postmarked to your local county election commission office by July 7.
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