Today is Super Tuesday, the day where 14 states – Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont and Virginia – will hold primaries and the American Samoa caucuses will take place.
It’s an important day that will decide who gets to have a say in the nomination of candidates for president.
Who’s on the ballot?
The biggest draw is the presidential primary.
Three Republicans and 15 Democrats are on the ballot, though most – like Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar and Tom Steyer just this week – have dropped out of the race. Joe Biden, Michael Bloomberg, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are the Democrats still in the race.
Joe Walsh and Bill Weld are challenging President Donald Trump for the Republican nomination.
But wait, there’s more
“We also have the county Republican primary, but we have no candidates,” said Tipton County Administrator of Elections Cindy Pinner.
This doesn’t mean there will be no one on the ballot, it simply means the persons running for the county offices in the primary – assessor of property and constables in districts 5 and 7 – will not be running as Republicans or Democrats.
“Rose (Cousar) has picked up her petition and will be running in August, but no one put in for constable,” she said.
The only other county general offices on the ballot this year are the odd-numbered school board districts.
We’re also choosing 14 delegates at-large and three delegates to represent the 8th Congressional District. All but six of 34 candidates have committed to Trump.
Ballots and transparency Sample ballots are required to run in the newspaper prior to election day. The Tipton County Election Commission published the sample ballot with The Leader on Thursday, Feb. 27. You can view our E-Edition or click on the sample ballot graphic above.
Where can I vote?
Unlike during early voting, on election day you must vote at your assigned polling location.
In Munford, voters must now go to Munford Baptist Church to cast their ballots, but other polling locations remain unchanged. Here they are:
- Northeast Covington: Canaan Baptist Church, 211 N. Main Street, Covington
- Southeast Covington: National Guard Armory, 4500 Mueller Brass Road, Covington
- Tipton West: Garland Community Center, 1598 Garland Drive
- Atoka: Gateway Baptist Church, 1915 Rosemark Road
- Munford: Munford Baptist Church, 1253 Munford Avenue (new this year)
- Southwest Tipton: Poplar Grove United Methodist Church, 228 Quito Drummonds Road
- Austin Peay: Greenleaf Community Church, 9703 Hwy. 59 South
- Wilkinsville: St. Mark’s M.B. Church, 3220 Wilkinsville Road
- Brighton: Brighton Baptist Church, 132 E. Woodlawn
If you’re unsure of your polling location, see https://www.tiptonco.com/document_center/ec_Polling_Locations.pdf.
Where can I get results?
Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. CST. Once the polls are closed, the boxes are brought to the election commission office in Covington and counted.
Results usually begin being shared between 8-8:30 p.m. The Leader will announce the results on its Facebook page as they come in.
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