After months of campaigning and two weeks of early voting, election day is finally here.
Voters from Tipton County and across the state will hit the polls today in county general elections and state primaries.
All but one county commissioner race in Tipton County is contested and several other county offices are on the ballot as well.
Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and voters need to bring identification.
Administrator of elections Cindy Pinner said 5,061 votes have already come in through early voting and mail-in and nursing home votes.
That’s 15 percent of the 32,269 active voters in Tipton County.
Pinner said 5,080 people early voted for the same election four years ago.
By comparison, more than 17,000 early voted during the 2008 presidential election.
Early voters voted at Munford City Hall and the Tipton County Election Commission office in Covington.
Today people must vote at their designated polling location.
The Leader will be at the election commission office tonight and will be releasing tallies at covingtonleader.com and on the Leader’s Facebook page.