On Friday, on behalf of the Town of Mason, the NAACP’s Legal Defense & Education Fund filed a lawsuit for an injunction against the comptroller’s financial oversight. The suit claims the state is taking measures to control the predominantly Black town in a way it hasn’t done to other towns in worse financial shape. “The comptroller’s decision comes just as Mason is on the … [Read more...] about NAACP, Town of Mason file suit against comptroller; decision could be made next week
state comptroller
Comptroller announces Mason’s finances now under state control
Following the town's decision this week not to relinquish its charter, the state comptroller's office announced Thursday Mason will be under its financial control effective March 28. "The Tennessee Comptroller’s Office is exercising its authority to supervise the financial affairs of the Town of Mason in an effort to improve the West Tennessee town’s fiscal condition," … [Read more...] about Comptroller announces Mason’s finances now under state control
Playing for Keeps: After suggesting it was ‘like a hostile takeover’, Mason votes to keep its charter
It was a quick, quiet affair. “Any discussion?” There was no response, so mayor Emmitt Gooden asked for a vote. Their hands went up. Not up in the air – Mason’s aldermen are more reserved than that when voting – but up near their faces where the mayor and the town recorder could see them for the count. “That’s six –” Gooden banged the gavel on the table with force, the weight … [Read more...] about Playing for Keeps: After suggesting it was ‘like a hostile takeover’, Mason votes to keep its charter
Will Mason give up its charter? The comptroller mailed letters to encourage them to do it
The letters began arriving Saturday. “Dear Citizens of Mason,” they read, “In my opinion it’s time for Mason to relinquish its charter.” It was the same message Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury Jason Mumpower had during his visit to the town a month ago, this time it was addressed in a letter mailed to 1,337 property owners. “I wanted to stress, more than anything, that … [Read more...] about Will Mason give up its charter? The comptroller mailed letters to encourage them to do it
Former DA, US Attorney Mike Dunavant has joined the state comptroller’s office
Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury Jason E. Mumpower is pleased to announce the hiring of former United States Attorney Mike Dunavant to serve as Chief Investigative Counsel in the Comptroller’s Division of Investigations. Dunavant will work directly with the division’s director, Jeff Puckett, in investigating allegations of fraud, waste, and abuse in government and other … [Read more...] about Former DA, US Attorney Mike Dunavant has joined the state comptroller’s office