Cameron Ireland, who also happens to be my son, is a senior member of the Munford High School track team who runs the 800 meters and the 4×800 relay. He has been a member of the track team for three years and the cross country team for four. He will attend Christian Brothers University in the fall and scored a 33 on the ACT. I debated for four years whether or not do a Q and A with him because, well, I didn’t want to be that guy who puts his kid in the paper because he’s your kid. But he’s earned it with four years of hard work so I decided to use my tremendous influence as the sports editor of the largest paper in Tipton County to give him some much-deserved recognition.
: What is your favorite food?
: I would have to say I like kabobs.
: What was the last movie you saw?
: “Avengers: End Game”
: Do you have a favorite social media site?
: Does YouTube count?
: What’s your favorite book?
: Let’s go with “Farenheit 451.”
: Do you think your English teachers will be happy to hear you say that?
: I think so, they really like that one.
: What’s your dream vehicle?
: I like the Jeep Wrangler. It just seems fun.
: What’s the last song you listened to?
: Jeez, I can’t remember.
: What do you like the most about running?
: While it is a bunch of hard work, it’s very rewarding to yourself. You feel like you’ve accomplished something.
: What do you like the least about running?
: It sucks and it hurts.
: What do you tell people when they think you’re crazy for making the decision to run?
: Despite the fact that it sucks and it hurts, it’s rewarding.
: What word or phrase do Coach (Bernard) Ivie and Coach (Thomas) Walters use a lot?
: Mental toughness.
: Which one says that?
: That would be Coach Ivie.
: What about Walters?
: Buck up.
: What’s a word or phrase your dad says a lot?
: I’ll tell you later.
: You mean you’ll tell me later or that’s what he says?
: That’s what he says.
: Who’s the goofiest runner on the team?
: You know, I’m going to have to say Jackson (Taranto).
: What’s goofy about Jackson?
: He’s just kind of off the wall at all times. I don’t think he ever really knows where he is.
: Is it true you listen to adults’ conversations at school and then bring home news tips to your dad?
: I’m not at liberty to answer that question at this time.
: If your dad ran the 800 meters what would his time be?
: Not good enough.