You suffered through a long, arduous day at the office, or things didn’t quite go as planned at home? Bad news hit at the worst time? At your breaking point?
Maybe you should break something, and there’s a place in Brighton that can meet your needs.
Outraged Rage Room, located at 8440-B Highway 51 South, is the first and only location in Tipton County where customers can come in and literally bash away their frustrations. Take sledgehammers, baseball bats, golf clubs, even frying pans to old computer monitors and other breakables, and feel your aggravation ebb with each swing.
That relaxation helped sell founder Corey Lemons on the business.
“I was going through a rough time,” Lemons said. “I had back surgery, which meant eight months flat on my back. I couldn’t lift, bend, twist, nothing. During my recuperation, I lost my job and the bills piled up.”
During his recuperation, Lemons happened to catch a CNN story about the rage room trend in America and its effects on stress reduction. By January 2019, he could move without pain and decided to put his garage to good use.
“I went [in the garage] and just cut loose,” Lemons said. “I felt great! That was the starting point of Outraged.”
Over the next six months, Lemons researched rage rooms on the Internet, made connections and networked with other owners and found himself in the middle of a prime market. He could see the need for such a facility in the local area and figured he could meet that demand.
Outraged opened for business June 1, faster than Lemons or his wife Laci expected. Set off the highway near the south end of Brighton, the facility consists of three smaller rooms that can hold three people at a time and one larger room with a maximum capacity of eight. Guests will suit up from head to toe in protective gear – sorry, no open-toed shoes, sandals, or flip flips allowed – and select their instrument of destruction from the wall of weapons.
All ages can take part in the controlled chaos under responsible adult supervision, including hatchet throws. If you can picture a certain scenario – say, your office after an absolutely horrid day – provide the Outraged staff with an image. The on-site fantasy room will be transformed into the best replication possible of your location. Smash away to your heart’s content and here comes the best part: You clean none of the mess. The staff will handle debris cleanup once you finish your session.
Bring a date for a couple’s smash, or bring in your own box to vent. Various breakable packages can be purchased at 20-minute increments, or create your own with individual items for 10-minute sessions (add-ons available). Party sessions run 30 minutes: Group bonding over the remnants of monitors and glassware.
You could even take part in a “smallest wins” competition: Attack a statue for a given time; greatest destruction or least remaining wins.
Despite the volatile nature of the experience, Lemons and his organization want to be known as a safe place to unleash your inner beast. Outraged recently took part in the Amanda’s Way softball tournament earlier this month and raffled a gift package during the event.
Lemons would love to see his brand expand and become a franchise. His daughter Caleyha McKenzie-Lemons echoes that sentiment with plans to take over the family business. McKenzie-Lemons made news herself in May as the first Brighton Middle School student to go to the state track and field finals for girls’ shot put.
Outraged will hold the official ribbon cutting ceremony Saturday, July 20 at 10 a.m. Come welcome the group to Brighton, and perhaps even rehome some old electronics you happened to leave in your garage, especially monitors and televisions. Help your worn-out appliances meet a noble end.
The business is open Thursdays from 5:30 to 10 p.m., Fridays from 5:30 to 11 p.m. and Saturdays from 3 to 11 p.m. Sunday through Wednesday are by reservation only. Each reservation requires a minimum of three participants. Call (901) 524-7188 or visit Outraged’s Facebook page to make your reservation.