Members of Munford High School DECA have launched a No Excuse for Child Abuse Campaign to help prevent and eliminate child abuse in the county as part of their marketing curriculum that aligns with the marketing club, DECA’s competitive events in public relations and community service.
High school seniors Lainey Moody and John Medford are leading the chapter into the Tennessee DECA state competition with the public relations project. Senior Kassi Ellis and junior Jackson Gaither are heading up the community service project.
The campaign, which spans from April until January, kicked into high gear at Munford Celebrate with the sale of almost 400 blue pinwheels to benefit the Carl Perkins Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse and the giving out of educational flyers that were created and printed by the students.
The objectives of the campaign include educating the community about the signs of child abuse, providing support to the Carl Perkins Center for Child Abuse Prevention and improving the quality of life for child abuse victims.
Future events for this campaign include educational visits with local businesses, a Miracle Minute at the Munford homecoming game, a US 51 radio announcement, an article in Cypress magazine, a personal hygiene product item drive for the Carl Perkins Center, a princess breakfast event hosted at Munford High School on Nov. 10 to benefit the Carl Perkins Center and a Christmas Angel Tree drive for the Carl Perkins Center.
For additional information about Munford DECA and the campaign, contact chapter adviser Heidi Miller at hmiller@tipton-county.com