Old Brighton High School was closed to students and staff in 1983 and purchased the following year by the Town of Brighton. For many years, until recently, it housed offices for non-profit organizations, but is now in a dangerous state. Town leaders must determine its future: Can the school …
Tipton County Schools recently released the 2018-19 Teachers of the Year. They are Kristy Baddour, Austin Peay Elementary; Patrice Ingram, Atoka Elementary; Tammy Sampson, Brighton Elementary; Glenda “Sissy” Davis, Crestview Elementary; Jamison Pulliam, Covington Intergrated Arts Academy; Ma…
With graduation less than three months away, the Class of 2019 is gearing up for commencement.
A track hoe demolishes the house at 319 Baxter Avenue in Covington Thursday afternoon. It is one of 11 taken down by the city during the first round of demolition. A total of nearly five dozen homes and businesses are the list of blighted properties.
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