Good job, Mayor Cole
I want to give a big thumbs up to Munford Mayor Dwayne Cole. I contacted him regarding the traffic issue at Munford Elementary. The safety of our children is being compromised at the intersection of Park and McLaughlin. This is NOT ACCEPTABLE!
Traffic backs up in all directions with cars trying to turn into the school. There are actually drivers who think it’s okay to pass the line of cars in the left lane because they are too impatient to wait their turn.
There are children walking to both the elementary and high schools in this area. Someone is going to be hurt because of this carelessness. I contacted the mayor regarding this issue and he assured me he would do his best to correct it and HE DID!
There were officers directing the traffic the very next day and it made things flow so much smoother and faster. Good job, Mayor Cole! Thanks for looking out for the safety of our children! And a big thumbs up to the Munford Police Department for taking care of this issue as well! Job well done!
Tonya Guy