Brighton High School Class of 1968 met for their 50th Reunion at the Covington Country Club, Saturday Evening, July 28.
After a years planning, the committee which consisted of Nita Joy Blanchard, Linda Smith Boswell, Ginger Huffman Carter, Gwen Blalack Farmer, Bobbie Nell Moses Nevils, Alice Sigler Massengill, Marnell Cates Maxey, Aline Ballard Short, and Patricia Blankenship Williams, were very pleased with the outcome. The Country Club was beautifully decorated in red and white, with school cardinal, classmates’ pictures, and Old Brighton High School picture used as a theme throughout.
The Alumni was greeted with a Brighton High School Welcome Sign and given a name badge with their high school graduation picture on it. The second room was filled with a memorabilia table of items from high school days, a photo booth, and a memorial table very tastefully done, with a book of pictures and balloons to be released as part of the program.
In the main room a TV and DVD player were used to play a DVD that was made using an annual and school day pictures. It was graduation day all over again. The tables were beautifully decorated with memorabilia that could be taken home in a pretty goodie bag. After dinner, which consisted of a very tasty buffet prepared by the Country Club, everyone went outside, a poem was read, and as the names of the deceased were read a balloon was released. Afterwards, everyone gathered for a group picture taken by Judy Baskin. The DJ, Ron Smith, played a variety of music, as the alumni danced the waltz, cupid shuffle, ending with the dance of the era, The Twist.
Some alumni wrote down favorite memories sparking much conversation about our wonderful teachers and principal, Mr. Bennett. A big thank you to all the parents, teachers, and principals of our school years for loving us enough to put us on the right course for life. The 1968 class produced many valuable leaders, lawyer, judge, preacher, chemical engineer, principals, many teachers, many business women and men, medical professionals, farmers, hair stylists, and mechanics.
Anyone who has a class like the class of ’68 are very blessed. There is so much love, faith, and compassion in our group. Thanks to all the alumni that contributed extra funds to our account.
Thanks to all committee members who donated time and money to make this such a special, wonderful occasion. Thanks to the alumni who came from such long distances, South Carolina, North Carolina, Kingsport, Missouri, Bethel Springs, Savannah, and, the ones from local Humboldt, Bartlett, Munford, Millington, Brighton and Covington.