Tipton County’s fire departments are teaming up to provide free CPR classes to residents.
The county-wide events are being held at participating fire departments Saturday, June 4 from 9-10 a.m.
“Every fire department in Tipton County will be doing this,” said Covington Fire Chief Richard Griggs during a meeting of Covington’s Public Safety Committee last week. “The fire chiefs association picked this up and purchased all of the training material for that date.”
Griggs said an estimated 500 books were purchased and have been distributed to the county’s full-time and part-time departments.
“We’re hoping for this to be a successful event. It’s free. We hope that brings enough people. We would love to teach as many people as we can the life-saving techniques.”
Contact your local fire department for more information.
CERT classes also being offered
Tipton County’s Community Emergency Response Team will be hosting training events this month as well.
CERT is a program which trains and educates volunteers on disaster preparedness. This training gives volunteers basic disaster response skills to help aid those in need and allow the professionals to focus on more complex situations.
CERT Basic training will take place on June 25-26 at Atoka City Hall at 8:30 a.m. Classes will last approximately eight hours and you must attend both for certificate.
The class is open to those 17 years of age and older though 14-16-year-olds are welcome when accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Classes are free and participants will receive a certificate from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Contact Stefanie Wiggins (stefaniew61@aol.com) or Doug Justice (dougusnret@hotmail.com) for more information.
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