As the county moves into its second week of widespread closures, many local government offices and utilities have closed their buildings to the public and changed procedures for handling business.
Here are the latest on closures, cancellations and changes in procedures as reported to The Leader:
The lobby at town hall is closed to the public and town leaders are asking the public use the drive-thru lane for service. Residents are encouraged to use the drive-thru, call 901-837-5300 or log on to www.townofatoka.com to conduct business.
All after-hour meetings have been cancelled.
Parks and recreation events, including the Atoka BBQ Fest, have been cancelled as have sports practices.
Town hall has been closed to the public. Residents are being encouraged to use the drive-thru to conduct business.
The March 16 traffic court date has been reset to April 20.
All city buildings are closed to public access, unless by appointment, and the mayor is encouraging business be conducted online or through the drive-thru.
All meetings of the board of mayor and aldermen and committees will be conducted virtually through teleconferencing.
See the mayor’s March 22 video update.
Covington Parks and Recreation buildings and parks remain closed, and all activities suspended, until April 6.
Gas, water and sewer cut-offs will be suspended for the next 30 days.
Tipton County Commission on Aging’s senior center is closed, but meals are still being delivered to the homebound.
City hall will be closed to the public until further notice.
Utility payments can be made through the dropbox, by phone at 844-368-1113 or online at https://www.townofmasontn.org.
City buildings have been closed to the public and business should be conducted through the drive-thru, by phone at 901-837-0171 or online at munford.com.
Munford’s board of mayor and aldermen will meet as scheduled on Monday, March 23, but will abide by the president’s suggestion of fewer than 10 people. Please attend only if you have to.
Munford Parks and Recreation has suspended the following activities through March 30: all sports activities, including baseball, soccer, cheer, flag football and cornhole; skate and all private parties for skating or other building rentals have been cancelled. Refunds will be given.
Munford Tipton County Memorial Library is closed until March 30.
Tipton County
Tipton County Animal Shelter is closed to the public. For adoptions, please email the shelter manager at lee@tcpw.net or can 901-837-5919.
The Tipton County Clerk’s office will close its Munford satellite location and Covington lobby. If at all possible, conduct business via TNCountyClerk.com (online vehicle renewals), by mail (220 Hwy. 51 North, Suite 2, Covington, TN 38019), Self-Service Kiosk 24/7 Atoka Town Hall (334 Atoka-Munford Rd), Drive Thru – Covington M-F 8-5, or by phone – 901-476-0207. Per Gov. Lee, vehicle registrations set to expire in March, April and May now expire June 15, 2020.
The Tipton County Landfill is still open, but the county-wide recycling program has be suspended.
The Tipton County Library will close on March 24.
The Tipton County Trustee’s office has closed its office to the public. Taxpayers are encouraged to mail in their tax payments to: Tipton County Trustee, P. O. Box 487, Covington, TN 38019. If requested, a receipt can be mailed to you. Taxpayers may also pay their taxes online at www.tennesseetrustee.org. Those needing in-person assistance may knock on the door or call 901-476-0211.
Covington Electric
Office is closed to the public. Residents may pay through the drive-thru from Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., through the phone by calling 855-581-3751 or online at covingtones.com.
First Utility District
Though staff has been limited, the lobby at First Utility remains open as the public and employees are separated by a glass window. Customers are encouraged to use the drive-thru, pay by phone at 844-738-0921 or online at http://fudtip.com/pay-online.
Poplar Grove Utility District
Monday is the day bills are due, so the lobby is currently open (and being sanitized hourly), but will close to the public on Tuesday.
Customers can drop payments off in the night deposit on the north side of the building, pay by phone at 844-678-4542 or online at poplargroveutilitydistrict.com.
New customers are asked to call the office before they arrive so they can be let in to complete new connection paperwork.
Southwest Tennessee Electric Membership Co-Operative
Lobbies are closing on Monday, March 23, but drive-thru windows will remain open during normal business hours, which are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Those who need to sign up for new service are encouraged to call their local office. Please call ahead and speak to a Member Services Representative to ensure you have all the necessary documentation. STEMC will complete as much of the new service process as possible over the phone.
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