Participation with the actions of local government, and transparency of government bodies, is very important to our way of life.
The Tennessee Open Meetings Act (TCA §8-44-101) requires adequate notice to the public for meetings which are regularly scheduled and specially called. This means, because the public has the right to attend these bodies must let you know when these meetings will be held.
Following is a list of regularly-scheduled meetings in Tipton County. Since the pandemic began several cities have began broadcasting live, so if you cannot attend in person you may be able to view the meeting virtually.
Town of Atoka
Broadcasts: Live, replay on YouTube
Meeting agendas, packets and minutes available for download on the town’s website
Board of Mayor and Aldermen
Monthly on the second Tuesday, 7 p.m.
Municipal board room, 334 Atoka-Munford Avenue, Atoka
Planning Commission
Monthly on the third Thursday, 6:30 p.m.
Municipal board room, 334 Atoka-Munford Avenue, Atoka
Town of Brighton
Broadcasts: No
Meeting agendas and minutes available for download on the town’s website
Board of Mayor and Aldermen
Monthly on the second Tuesday, 7 p.m.
Brighton Town Hall, 139 N. Main Street, Brighton
Planning commission
Monthly on the fourth Tuesday, 6 p.m.
Town of Burlison
Broadcasts: No
Meeting documents are not available online
Board of Mayor and Alderman
Monthly on the second Tuesday, 7 p.m.
Burlison Community Center
City of Covington
Broadcasts: Every committee and board meeting is streamed live on Facebook, allowing public input, then added to their YouTube channel for archiving
Meeting agendas and minutes are available online
Board of Mayor and Aldermen
Twice monthly on the second and fourth Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m.
Upstairs boardroom, City Hall, 200 W. Washington, Covington
Public Works Committee
Monthly on the first Tuesday, 4 p.m.
City Hall, 200 W. Washington, Covington
General Welfare – Public Relations Committee
Monthly on the second Tuesday, 4 p.m.
City Hall, 200 W. Washington, Covington
Finance & Administration Committee
Monthly on the third Tuesday, 4 p.m.
City Hall, 200 W. Washington, Covington
Public Safety Committee
Monthly on the fourth Tuesday, 4 p.m.
City Hall, 200 W. Washington, Covington
Municipal-Regional Planning Commission
Monthly on the first Tuesday, noon
City Hall, 200 W. Washington, Covington
Covington Historic Zoning Committee
Monthly on the first Tuesday, 5:30 p.m.
City Hall, 200 W. Washington, Covington
Board of Zoning Appeals
Monthly on the first Tuesday as needed
Board of Property Maintenance Appeals
Monthly on the first Tuesday as needed
Town of Garland
Broadcasts: No
Meeting documents are not available online
Board of Mayor and Aldermen
Monthly on the first Tuesday, 7 p.m.
Town of Gilt Edge
Broadcasts: No
Meeting documents are not available online
City Council
First Monday, 7 p.m.
Gilt Edge City Hall
Town of Mason
Broadcasts: No
Meeting agendas, minutes, and presentations available online
Board of Mayor and Aldermen
Monthly on the third* Monday, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall, 12157 Main St., Mason
Planning Commission
Monthly on the second* Monday, 6 p.m.
City Hall, 12157 Main St., Mason
Finance Committee
Monthly on the second* Thursday, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall, 12157 Main St., Mason
*Mason meetings occasionally change schedules. The town posts meeting notices in city hall and on their website.
City of Munford
Broadcasts: No
Meeting agendas and minutes are available online
Board of Mayor and Aldermen
Monthly on the fourth Monday
7 p.m., Community Boardroom, 70 College Street
Planning Commission
Monthly on the second Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.
Community Boardroom, 70 College Street
Public Works, General Welfare
Monthly on the first Thursday at 4 p.m.
Parks and Recreation, Public Safety
Monthly on third Thursday at 4 p.m.
Tipton County
Broadcasts: No
Meeting agendas, packets, and minutes available online
Board of Zoning Appeals
Monthly on the fourth Monday, 5 p.m.
Tipton County Justice Complex, 1801 S. College, Covington
County Commission
Monthly on the second Monday, 6 p.m.
Tipton County Justice Complex, 1801 S. College, Covington
(General Welfare committee meets an hour prior)
Election Commission
Monthly on the third Thursday, 3 p.m.
113 E. Church Street, Covington
Finance Committee
Monthly on the first Monday, 4:30 p.m.
Administration Building, 103 E Pleasant Ave., Covington
Planning Commission
Monthly on the fourth Monday, 6:30 p.m.
Tipton County Justice Complex, 1801 S. College, Covington
Quarterly on the third Thursday in January, April, July and October, noon
Emergency Management Agency building, 8629 Highway 51 S., Brighton
Tipton County Board of Education
Broadcast: Live, archived on YouTube
Meeting agendas and minutes are available online
School board meets monthly on the second Thursday, 7 p.m.
Tipton County Dept. of Public Instruction, 1580 Highway 51 S., Covington
Tipton County Emergency Communications District (E-911)
Broadcast: No, but filmed and archived
Meeting documents are not available online
Board meets bi-monthly on the third Monday, 5 p.m.
Covington City Hall, 200 W. Washington St., Covington
Please note that this list of scheduled meetings is published in our print edition as space is available and should not take the place of notices legally required to run in a newspaper of general circulation. To add yours to the listing, please call 901-476-7116 or send an email to news@covingtonleader.com.
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