Music will be coming to the Depot District Friday night as part of this year’s festival.
The Fifth Degree will perform from 5-8 p.m. at the Tipton County Extension Office (150 Menefee Street, off of East Liberty Avenue).
Formed in April 2019, the band includes Charles Reginald Hayes on keyboard, Billy Wayne White on guitar, Rick McCory on bass, Darian Houston on drums, and manager Jean Johnson.
Johnny Johnson is another original band member, but he is not active at present due to health challenges.
Cumulatively the band has several years of experience playing in various bands, but what they all have in common is their Gospel roots, of which they are all still heavily active playing in church.
The band also has experience in Blues, R&B, Pop, Country, and Soul Music.
The Fifth Degree Band has done shows in West Memphis Arkansas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Memphis, Covington, Brownsville, Jackson, and Humboldt just to name a few, with dates booked each month for the remainder of 2022.
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