Tipton County Schools is one of 20 districts which earned exemplary status, the Tennessee Department of Education announced Thursday.
“Exemplary” is the highest distinction a district can earn.
“We are pleased with the results and want to congratulate our students, teachers, administrators, and staff for their diligent work,” said director of schools Dr. John Combs.
Additionally, the district said there was an “unprecedented number” of Reward schools this year, with Atoka Elementary, Brighton Elementary and Munford Elementary, Middle and High Schools each earning the honor. Reward schools are those identified as making improvements in terms of achievement and growth for all students and student groups.
Data from 2019 TNReady testing, which was conducted in the spring, shows five of the district’s 13 schools are Level 5 schools – Covington High, Munford Elementary, Atoka Elementary, Munford Middle, and Munford High – and 10 of 13 showed an average one year or more of growth.
District-wide, math scores for grades 3-8 were also improved.
“Schools not showing one year’s growth are developing an improvement plan to address deficit areas,” Combs said.
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