Something that has been about five years in the making is much closer to reality after Monday night’s Munford Board of Mayor and Aldermen meeting.
The board voted unanimously to purchase a building owned by First Citizens National Bank, located on the southeast corner of Munford Avenue and South Tipton Street. The plan is to turn the piece of property into the Veterans Plaza, outdoor space that will have a stage, farmers market and bathrooms.
First Citizens Bank had drive-thru ATM there for years and is selling the property to Munford. That structure still remains but has been leased to Munford Smoothie Shack for about a year. Exactly when Munford Smoothie Shack moves out remains to be scene. The structure is not included in the Veterans Plaza plans.
Munford is purchasing the property from First Citizens for $127,000 at a zero percent interest rate for 10 years.
A federal grant not to exceed $500,000 and matching city dollars are funding the project.
In other matters:
• Munford Police Captain James Taube announced that school resource officers for Munford Elementary, Munford Middle and Munford High have been hired for the upcoming school year.
• Munford Fire Chief Jeremy Reeves said the burn ban remains in effect until the area sees significant rain.
• Mayor Dwayne Cole said paving programs for West Main, Demery Drive and Central Park are beginning soon. In addition, $700,000 has been budgeted for city-wide repaving. The streets are being ranked to determine priorities.
• Cole announced that the Celebrate Munford 5K will be held Aug. 6 at 8 a.m. at Centennial Park.
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