Today, Gov. Bill Lee released the Tennessee Pledge guidelines which will allow close-contact services like hair salons to re-open on May 6.
In addition to the state’s guidelines, Lee encourages business owners to follow the CDC’s strict guidelines as well.
“As we continue a measured reopening of the economy, it’s critical we provide evidence-based guidance to businesses so they can keep their employees and customers safe,” said Lee. “The very nature of close contact businesses calls for strong solutions and we’re inspired by the willingness of these small business owners to take the Tennessee Pledge. These guidelines will allow thousands of businesses to reopen, put their employees back to work, and serve customers in a thoughtful and safe manner.”
The full guidelines are posted online at TNPledge.com and include limited occupancy, increased cleaning and sanitizing and keeping work stations six feet apart. Customers must wear masks while inside the facility and should not wait for appointments in waiting areas.
Services which require the removal of face coverings – such as beard trims and facials – are not yet permitted, Lee said.
Gyms and fitness centers re-open Friday
As previously announced, gyms and fitness centers will re-open Friday, May 1 with a similar list of restrictive guidelines.
They must be manned at all times, be cleaned and sanitized more frequently, encourage social distancing and have customers screened at the door.
Lee has Trump’s approval for re-opening
On Thursday, Lee was at the White House and present for President Donald Trump’s daily press briefing.
Trump praised Lee’s plans for re-opening Tennessee and shared the state’s plans to test every employee and resident at a nursing and rehabilitation center for COVID-19.
Since Tipton County’s first case was reported 43 days ago, The Leader has been providing daily updates on the total number of confirmed cases as well as other data that has been added along the way, such as completed tests, recovered patients and current hospitalizations.
Going into this week, it was clear Tipton would hit 100 total confirmed cases. According to Dr. Shavetta Conner, a Tennessee Department of Health infectious disease specialist who participated in Senator Paul Rose’s tele-town hall Tuesday, the number of confirmed cases was 101 yesterday.
In its daily reporting Wednesday afternoon, TDH said the number was 98.
When called to confirm the number of cases Wednesday afternoon, County Executive Jeff Huffman said the health department reported 104 total cases in Tipton County Wednesday.
The health department said there may be a lag in reporting and suggested the state’s website would be the best source of information.
Total completed tests: 1,402-1,408, depending upon number of positives
If you’d like to be tested, check out our list of testing sites.
Recovery and hospitalization
Number of Tipton Countians recovered: 51
Number hospitalized at Baptist-Tipton: 0
How does Tipton compare to other counties?
Tipton is in the top three counties for number of confirmed cases in West Tennessee, coming in behind Shelby and Madison.
We are also 16th of 95 in total confirmed cases.
Tipton has 16.04 cases per 10,000 residents, which puts us at 17th in the state. Prison outbreaks have Bledsoe, Trousdale and Lake counties leading the state in cases per capita.
To date, 2.2 percent of Tipton Countians have been tested.
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