This week the state began testing anyone who wants to be tested and the number of tests being conducted skyrocketed Friday.
A week ago, Tipton had conducted 436 tests, which was considerably higher than its rural neighbors. This week, that increased from 562 on Monday to 587 on Tuesday, 595 on Wednesday and 599 Thursday. On Friday, Tipton reported testing 690 people.
The increase in testing is expected to increase the number confirmed cases, however that number increased by only one from Thursday to Friday.
Want to be tested?
On Saturday, the department of health will be hosting a drive-thru testing event at Brighton High School from noon to 3 p.m. as part of an aggressive statewide effort to test Tennesseans.
If you can’t make it Saturday, Fayette County will be hosting drive-thru testing the same time Sunday afternoon at Oakland First Baptist Church, 8695 US-64 in Somerville.
What are the numbers today?
Confirmed cases: 55
Average increase in confirmed cases per day: 2
Cases per 10,000: 8.84
Tipton Countians tested: 699
Number negative: 636
Need to get tested? Tipton has six testing sites.
Recovery and hospitalization
Number of Tipton Countians recovered: 30
Number hospitalized at Baptist-Tipton: 0
Tipton has dropped considerably in its comparison of confirmed cases to number of tests being conducted.
Last week, it led West Tennessee with 10.4 percent but Friday came in sixth with 7.29 percent. This is likely due to the increase in testing numbers.
Fayette County now leads the region with 9.21 patients testing positive amongst those tested. Madison, Shelby, Haywood and Lauderdale round out the top five.
More than 87,273 Tennesseans have been tested, with at least 6,589 positives and at least 142+ deaths (35* of those in Shelby County, one in Haywood County and one in Fayette County).
At least 711 people across the state have been hospitalized at some point during infection and 3,017 people have recovered.
Statewide, 7.08 percent of those tested have been positive for COVID-19.
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