Tipton County’s first drive-thru COVID-19 testing site is up and running at the health department on Mueller Brass Road in Covington.
Statewide, the National Guard has deployed into the rural counties to help with testing and bring supplies as well. Masks were delivered to medical providers and first responders Friday.
“I’m not sure how long they’ll be there,” said Tipton County Emergency Management Agency Director Tommy Dunavant. “If the numbers start dropping off they’ll probably close it.”
As of Sunday afternoon, the Tennessee Department of Health reported Tipton’s confirmed cases at 15. That number is expected to increase as more testing is done, but just how many tests have already been conducted in Tipton County hasn’t been released.
Baptist-Tipton said they have conducted approximately 60 tests to date.
“(The health department) knows a majority of those because they have to do tracking and tracing of individuals, but that number is not available to public or even to me,” Dunavant said.
A county is assigned a confirmed case based on a patient’s residence. Each of Tipton’s confirmed cases is a Tipton County resident.
TDH reported 20,574 tests had been conducted statewide by Sunday, with more than 1,537 of those confirmed positive. The Shelby County Health Department reported 4,382 tests had been conducted there with 379 positives.
Statewide, there were 133 people hospitalized at diagnosis and seven fatalities reported through Sunday. One of those deaths was a Shelby County resident.
Who can go use the drive-thru testing site?
Dunavant said anyone with symptoms can go to the health department for testing, but that doesn’t mean everyone will be tested.
“Anyone can drive-thru, but if you don’t have the signs and symptoms from the CDC they’ll probably send you home.”
Those symptoms include a 100.4-degree temperature with fatigue and a dry cough, he said.
The testing site will be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Where else can I go for testing?
In addition to the health department, four other providers in Tipton County are known to be testing. Each requires patients to call before showing up.
Armour Family Medicine
728 W Sherrod Ave., Covington
1995 Hwy. 51 South, Covington
Fast Pace Urgent Care
1618 Hwy. 51 South, Covington
RedMed Urgent Clinic
11611 Hwy. 51 South, Atoka
Speight Family Medical
76 Tabb Drive #E, Munford
Wade Family Medicine
115 S Munford St, Covington
Outside of Tipton County, testing can be done at various sites in Shelby County.
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