Default having been made in the payments of debts and obligations to be paid in that certain Deed of Trust acknowledged August 22, 2013, and executed by Richard J. Anthony, who acknowledged himself to be a member of For Love of Roses, LLC to David E. Owen, Covington, Tennessee, as Trustee, recorded in the Register’s Office of Tipton County, Tennessee, in Record Book 1602, Pages 606-609 at Instrument No. 170499; and the undersigned, M.O. Eckel, III, having been appointed by the holder of said indebtedness and obligations as Substitute Trustee on said Deed of Trust, said appointment being recorded in said Register’s Office in Record Book 1809, Page 928 at Instrument No. 225683; and the holder of said indebtedness and obligations having requested the undersigned to advertise and sell the property described in and conveyed to said Deed of Trust, all of said indebtedness and obligations having matured by default, this is to give notice that M.O. Eckel, III, as Substitute Trustee, will on October 24, 2019 commencing at 10:00 AM at the Tipton County Courthouse (TN) located at 100 E. Court Square, Covington, Tipton County, Tennessee at the North entrance thereof, proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash the following described property (“Property”) situated and being in Brighton, Tipton County, Tennessee, to wit:

PROPERTY ADDRESS: 491 Lucy Kelly Road, Brighton, TN 38011


Lying and  being  in Tipton  County, Tennessee,  and thus described:

Lot 1, Verlie W. Wells, Jr. Subdivision, Minor Plat, as recorded in  Plat Cabinet H, Slide 874, in the Register’s Office of Tipton  County, Tennessee, to which plat reference is hereby made for a more particular description of said  lot.

This conveyance is made subject to subdivision  restrictions, building lines and easements at Plat Cabinet H, Slide 874 of the Tipton County Register’s Office.

Also, conveyed herein is an easement for  ingress and egress  across the asphalt drive shown on the aforementioned plat and the use of two parking spaces between the asphalt drive and the greenhouse.

Seller hereby retains an easement across Lot #1 of the Verlie W. Wells, Jr. Subdivision to access his remaining property south and west of the lot being conveyed.

Being the same property conveyed to For Love of Roses, LLC by deed recorded in Book 1602, Page 604 in  the   Register’s  Office  of Tipton  County, Tennessee.

Property also known as 491 Lucy Kelly Road, Brighton, TN   38011

Map 097, Parcel 014.01 Split

All rights and equity of redemption, homestead, dower and all other exemptions are expressly waived by the Debtor in said Deed of Trust and title is believed to be good, but I will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. Title is to be conveyed subject to all prior liens, easements, covenants, conditions, encumbrances, and restrictions that may exist including, without limitation, any unpaid ad valorem taxes or other taxes, and also subject to any right to redemption that may otherwise exist, including such right by the Internal Revenue Service Special Procedures Staff by reason of any tax lien of record in the Register’s Office of Tipton County, Tennessee or by any taxing authority.

M.O. Eckel, III



106 E. Liberty Ave.

Covington, TN 38019



October 3rd,10th, and 17th, 2019.

Echo Day
Author: Echo Day

Echo Day is an award-winning journalist, photographer and designer. She is currently The Leader's managing editor.