Tipton County Administrator of Elections Cindy Pinner said we’re well on our way to beat the highest voter turnout ever a dozen years ago.
In 2008, when Barack Obama was running against John McCain, 25,505 people voted, which was 67 percent turnout. Through the early voting period, which ended last Thursday, 21,929 people had already cast ballots.
“This is the biggest turnout we’ve had,” Pinner said. “We’ll probably do that and more.”
Tipton County has 39,243 registered voters.
Pinner also said the “exact results” of the election may not be known Tuesday night.
“There’s quite a few provisional ballots this year, more than usual.”
Through its Facebook page, The Leader will begin reporting results by precinct as they are published by the election commission.
If you haven’t voted, the polls will open at 7 a.m. Tuesday morning. Polls will close at 7 p.m. and anyone in line at that time will be able to vote.
Tipton County voters can cast ballots at the following locations:
- Northeast Covington: Canaan Baptist Church, 211 N. Main Street, Covington
- Southeast Covington: National Guard Armory, 4500 Mueller Brass Road, Covington
- Tipton West: Garland Community Center, 1598 Garland Drive
- Atoka: Gateway Baptist Church, 1915 Rosemark Road
- Munford: Munford Baptist Church, 1253 Munford Avenue
- Southwest Tipton: Poplar Grove United Methodist Church, 228 Quito Drummonds Road
- Austin Peay: Greenleaf Community Church, 9703 Hwy. 59 South
- Wilkinsville: St. Mark’s M.B. Church, 3220 Wilkinsville Road
- Brighton: Brighton Baptist Church, 132 E. Woodlawn
If you’re unsure of your polling location, see www.tiptonco.com/election_commission/index.php.
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