St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church in Covington will be hosting its annual Shrove Tuesday pancake supper tonight.
Shrove Tuesday, which is also called Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras, is the day in which Christians traditionally confessed their sins and feasted in preparation for Lent, which begins the following day.
Pancakes are traditionally eaten for the Shrove Tuesday feast because they use eggs, milk and sugar before the fasting begins.
During the 40-day penitential season, Christians are encouraged to give something up as a way to fast from indulgence.
Many fast and abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday as well as every Friday during the 7-week period.

Lent ends with Easter – Jesus’s rising from the dead – which will take place on Sunday, April 12.
St. Matthew’s will serve pancakes from 6-8 p.m. Bacon and sausage, as well as juice and coffee, will be available as well.
The church does not charge for plates but does accept donations for the event, which will benefit the church’s ministries and outreach programs. St. Matthew’s is located at 303 S. Munford Street in Covington.
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