Celebrate Munford, which was to be held on Saturday, Oct. 17 this year, has been reformatted to an online event, organizers announced Monday.
The executive committee of Celebrate Munford, Inc. met recently to discuss the options available and decided to proceed in a way that would showcase the vendors and the community, and give a sense of the physical event while maintaining safety.
“This is a year of virtual possibilities! Given the current circumstances, we needed to keep our event-goers safe. That is our main concern,” said Celebrate President Cynthia Zickefoose. “We couldn’t host Celebrate any other way with the mandates in place, and this committee has many out-of-the-box thinkers, so we decided an online event was the best solution.”
Vendors will showcase their goods online
Vendors who purchase a booth for 2020 will have the option of linking their website or Facebook account, along with a picture of their goods and services, to Celebrate Munford’s online and social media accounts. They will be featured yearlong and also receive their booth space for 2021. Booth coordinator Christie Jarvis will organize this portion of the virtual event. She can be reached at celebratemunfordbooths@gmail.com.
You can watch entertainers at any time from the comfort of your home
Entertainment will be showcased online on FaceBook and Instagram. Acts will submit a performance file and will have it posted to enjoy throughout the year. Zickefoose, who organizes center stage, will organize this facet of the online festival. She can be reached at czickefoose@munford.com.
Browse the art show submission virtually
Art show participants will focus on the theme of “Celebrating the Essential Workforce” and submit entries to Art Show Coordinator Lindsey Moore at lmoore@munford.com. Details on the art show will be posted online at www.munford.com under the Community tab on the home page, and also distributed through the schools.
The 5K will be distanced and virtual as well
The committee also voted earlier to host the Celebrate Munford 5K as a virtual run. Participants may register online for the event at https://raceroster.com/events/2020/32827/21st-annual-celebrate-munford-5k-virtual-run-roll-and-stroll/register?event=133461 and submit their run time between August 8-15. Proceeds from the event will benefit the over-stressed food banks in Munford.
Celebrate Munford, Inc. Is a non-profit organization that promotes Munford – its people and places. Proceeds from the Celebrate events benefit the community and county through scholarships and donations.
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